March 25, 2009
After nearly two decades of delays and multiple format changes, the first
volume Neil Young’s long-awaited Archives series of box sets will be
released June 2 on Blu-Ray disc, DVD, and CD.
While we’re ecstatic, we’re leaving the details to Mr. Young’s Web site,
which provides everything you need to know about the set–including track
listings and why you should invest the extra $100 for the Blu-Ray edition.
That said, we do think it’s a bit lame that two of the discs in the set have
already been released as part of the NYA Performance Series. It’s not like
Young is hurting for material, so why the repeat?
Happy browsing!
March 24, 2009
Nope, you aren’t reading the Inquirer, TONE writer Richard Simmons (who wrote the cover story on Chuck D in issue 18) was on his way to work yesterday when a passerby alerted him to the fire beneath his car. He was able to exit the car seconds before it burst into flames…
For the full story you can read this:,0,7301914.story
stock photo used
After arriving home from Chicago on Sunday, I finally got around to unpacking my luggage. On my visit to Music Direct last week, they gave me their two newest catalogs and a few of the latest Mobile Fidelity pressings for review. Fortunately, I hand carried the LP’s on the plane because when I opened my suitcase, there was the customary “we’re the TSA and we went through your things…” tag.
But the Music Direct catalogs were GONE.
I hope the TSA is planning some serious hifi shopping in the near future! And glad they didn’t grab my Marshall Crenshaw CD!
March 14, 2009
Staff writer Marc Phillips and I headed down to the Portland Athletic Club to see the new goodies from ALO Audio’s Ken Ball and check out what the local chapter of Head-Fi’ers were up to. It was somewhat odd walking past the rows of workout fanatics to the headphone area, but once there we easily forgot about all the iron that was being pumped just outside.
Ken was showing off his new headphone amplifier, a joint creation between he and Vinny Rossi of Red Wine Audio. Based on the circuit that is in Vinnies latest preamplifier, the Isabella, this amp is a winner for $1000. It features dual headphone jacks (1/4-inch and mini), a stepped attenuator and of course is battery powered. Watch for a full review on the TONEAudio website very soon. Impressive!
On the way out, we were the envy of all the workout queens as they looked longingly at our oatmeal-rasin cookies!
March 12, 2009
If you are a Neil Young fan, check out TONE staffer Lloyd Peterson’s recent posting on All About Jazz:
As always, Peterson bypasses the obvious story line and digs a bit deeper, revealing a facet of a musician that perhaps you didn’t think of right away, even if you are a mega fan.
March 11, 2009
The credit for this goes to our newest music writer, Bob Gendron. I just got an email from him inquiring about this metal festival in Oklahoma, July 7-12. Click on the link and check this out. Keel is going to be there along with Twisted Sister and a few others you all know and love. Don’t miss Rocklahoma!
I caught Jon Ragel, the turntablist who performs as Boy Eats Drum Machine, at the Someday Cafe in downtown Portland, and I received a rather special gift after the show. Jon brings copies of his recent album Booomboxxx to sell at his shows, as most performers do. Jon takes it one step further by offering his album in both CD and LP form, and he puts the vinyl into old record covers and hand paints each one. In other words, each copy is a unique work of art.
I chose this particular cover since it was an old RCA Living Stereo (I didn’t spot any Mercury Living Presence covers, in case you were wondering). The fact that the vinyl sounded fantastic–warmer and more revealing than my CD–was an added bonus. Keep reading »
March 10, 2009
Adam Decaria from Zu Audio shared a picture of my new Zu Essence speakers with me this morning, straight from the paint booth. Their master craftsmen went above and beyond the call of duty to paint mine in Golf Yellow, the classic BMW 2002Tii color. For those of you that don’t know me, it’s one of my favorite colors in the world!
Needless to say, these babies will make a real statement in my living room…
The great news is that these sound as good as they look and only take up a 12 x 12 inch footprint in your room. With 97db sensitivity, you can drive em with anything and they sound particularly yummy with your favorite low powered tube amplifier.
For more info, go to:
Review forthcoming.
March 9, 2009
Well almost.
After a few days of wiring and moving a few things around, the Sooloos is completely hardwired into my music room. The pair of Store 2’s that hold 2TB each, are neatly tucked away in the record and CD room with plenty of ventilation. Most of all, when you close the door, the whole thing is SILENT…
The Sooloos Control 5 now feeds to my main system via the digital input of the outstanding Wadia 781i SE (review forthcoming) and to our art directors desktop system via line level outputs on zone 2 and my desktop system via zone 3. The Sooloos can run all three zones simultaneously and thanks to their Control PC software can be accessed from either of our Mac’s via Parallels on the desktop or via iPhone to cover basic start, stop and pause functionality.
This is the most fun you can have with music with your pants on. 6500 CD’s right next to the listening chair with room for about 3500 more!
If you are not familiar with the Sooloos, you can read our full review in issue 11. Watch for our long term test report on the web soon. If you sign up for our mailing list, you will be the first to hear about it….
March 6, 2009
We are honored to have the music editor and my former cohort from The Absolute Sound, Bob Gendron join the TONEAudio staff. Bob is a cool cat that has a very wide range of musical taste that will only add to the diversity of our music coverage.
Ok, that’s the tidy PR copy. Bottom line, Bob likes to rock and has a great sense of humor, so he’ll fit in just fine here.
And to share his first snibbet of that humor, he suggests this link to channel your inner Diamond David Lee Roth:
March 5, 2009
TONEAudio is very excited to announce that Lloyd Peterson is joining our staff to add to our already diverse music coverage. In case you haven’t heard of him, his book, Music and the Creative Spirit: Innovators in Jazz, Improvisation and the Avant Garde is a phenominal group of interviews with some of the finest artists in Jazz today.
Pat Metheny called it “Maybe the best book on Jazz I have ever read”.
Lloyd also writes for and has just published an interview with Iraqi musician Rahim Alhaj. It’s a great read, albeit somewhat scary, listening to what this man has been through. Here’s the link:
I highly suggest this one.
Not just a jazz guy, he told me last weekend when we were at the Portland Jazz Festival discussing the Ornette Coleman/Pat Metheny collaboration Song X “That’s only the beginning. I’m always trying to find something that’s way out there.” So watch for Lloyd’s concert coverage on the PDX Jazz Festival in the April issue, and a lot more in the months to come.
March 4, 2009
Thanks to all the hard work by Jason, James and Nate at Bloody Monster web design in Portland, ( we have a new and greatly improved website. Our blog will now be able to be accessed directly from our home page, so you won’t need to go anywhere else to check up on us.
You can look forward to seeing new content from us on a daily basis very soon, so check back often. Now, if I can only get all of those CD’s loaded into the Sooloos…
December 28, 2008
Hey all,
Sorry about the long delay in posting. As our music editor likes to say, it’s been “Crazy” around here, just lost track of time with the holidays. Keep reading »
November 28, 2008
Club Mix columnist Scott Tetzlaff is flying into town tomorrow to join us for the Portland showing of The Herbaliser at the Doug Fir Lounge. It should be a great show, so if you live in our neighborhood, drop by and say hello. Just look for the old gray haired guy in the bright yellow hoodie, that will be me! Keep reading »
November 26, 2008
What can brown do for me? Find my Naim CD555, and pronto!
I was informed today, that my Naim CD555 player that was due to arrive today had not been entered into the UPS system since the 21st of this month and that they had no idea where it is or if I would get it anytime soon. Keep reading »
November 10, 2008
After a solid week of play, and me getting next to nothing done, I must admit the MartinLogan CLX is quite amazing. Adding the Descent i subwoofer with one more on the way, I’ve got some more heavy lifting to go, but this is an incredible speaker.
October 15, 2008
I had an absolute blast on my visit to MartinLogan yesterday. The place is huge!
You couldn’t ask for a nicer group of people to buy speakers from, the ML mothership has the same level of organization of the Ferrari F1 team. Nothing is out of place, everyone knows their job and their attention to detail is awesome.
But at the end of the day, I got my reward. Keep reading »
October 2, 2008
Staff writer Jerald O’Brien and I took a quick road trip up to Seattle to check out the beginning of Todd Rundgren’s new tour to support the album “Arena”.
If you are a Todd fan, do not miss this tour. He is at his best, doing all of the Arena album live with some fun Todd oldies mixed in. Keep reading »
September 28, 2008
Getting ready for the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver next month, I was looking over the photos we took driving (ugh) to RMAF two years ago.
This one stood out.
While I can’t remember where this was, I do remember that it was very windy outside and we immediately turned on Led Zeppelin very loud when we all got back in the car. What else do you do at the Point of Rock?
September 20, 2008
Dragged Marc Phillips and our lovely art director down to the Portland Art Museum to see the Devil Music Ensemble tonight.
In the best silent film tradition, these three guys who are all Berklee graduates have composed and perform a soundtrack while the acieent Chinese KungFu movie Red Heroine plays in the background.
Because the film is the only one left of the series remaining and was pretty badly deteriorated, there was probably only about five shades of grey in the movie! The talent of the DME carried through and was very imaginative, however by the end I was ready to call it a night.
I would definitely check them out again though, especially if they can get their hands on a bit better movie. While it was admirable that they picked this classic, I don’t think the movie was up to their level of talent.
They are about half way through a 45 city tour, so if you are in the mood for the ultimate art school experience, check them out. You can get their tour information and more information about the DME here.
September 13, 2008
What the heck am I doing up on the roof of the TONEAudio office with power tools and no shoes? You will never know. It’s a Northwestern thing.
However, we did get something productive today.
Watch our website tomorrow for concert updates and a review of the IeGO power cord.
September 10, 2008
The man responsible for most of Fleetwood Mac’s commercial success showed the Portland crowd he’s still got it tonight.
With no opening act, Buckingham took the stage and left everyone screaming by the time he was done almost 2 and a half hours later.
Watch for more pictures on our website in the concert section and a full concert report and review of his new album in the October issue of TONEAudio. If you are a fan, the tour just started on the 7th. Check his website for tour details.
September 8, 2008
Always the sucker for advertising and spicy food, I had to check this one out. Watching a few TiVo’d episodes of The Jon Stewart Show back to back, I was bombarded with about 300 commercials for Taco Bell’s newest creation, The Volcano Taco.
So I gave in. Keep reading »
September 6, 2008
Just got back from the CEDIA show in Denver and back at my desk.
In addition to seeing all of the people in the industry that we work with on a regular, there was some fun stuff to see as well. While this show does not provide the listening environment that CES or RMAF does, everything is in one place, so it is very easy to navigate.
Here are two products that really caught my eye, the new compact system from McIntosh and the Utopia Be from JM Labs/Focal. All that Mac needs is a handle! It’s a serious compact though, with the internals from their 301 player and 75wpc of discrete power, no class-D here!
The new Utopia flagship speaker will come in at about $175 K and will debut for all of us to hear at the RMAF in Denver, beginning of October. It will be in the Audio Unlimited suite matched with a stellar system, so make sure you see this one if attending the show.
September 3, 2008
The new REGA Elicit integrated amplifier is here.
80 watts per channel, on board MM phono stage and very beefy.
It is part of the new series of upscale components from REGA that started with the Ios phono stage. And we all know how great that was!
Watch for a full review in the next few weeks on our website in the spotlight section.
August 31, 2008
It’s been somewhat of a lost six weeks here at TONE, but we’ve been very busy getting organized for the fall season of shows.
We will be attending CEDIA next week in Denver, the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and of course CES in January. So if you see us zooming around, stop and say hello. We look forward to talking with you.
And to top it off, I now have a clean desk. I’m savoring this picture because this doesn’t happen often.
August 10, 2008
Where else do you get maximum rock and roll combined with mostly naked women?
At CrueFest, of course.
Trapt, Sixx-AM, Papa Roach and Buckcherry got the party started for the legendary glam rockers, but when Motley Crue hit the stage, the fireworks went off and the sound level went up dramatically.
A good time was had by all. The Crue rocked the house, playing a good combination of their hits mixed in with most of the tunes from their newest album Saints Of Los Angeles. And it just wouldn’t be a Crue concert without Tommy Lee getting out the boob cam. Cool as this is in theory, I get the feeling that this plays a lot better in Los Angeles. Not that the Portland crowd was any less willing to take their top off for Tommy, it wasn’t necessarily in the best interest for many of them.
But hey, that’s rock and roll.
July 12, 2008
Finishing up the final setup on the Spiral Groove SG-2 and TriPlanar arm.
This turntable is a work of art! Initial listening impressions are fantastic. Stay tuned for more on this analog masterpiece.
You can also check out to get more information.
July 11, 2008
Took a ride up to Seattle to meet with Randy Wells and zoom over to Magnolia HiFi, where they were showing off the new CLX from Martin Logan.
This is one hell of a speaker! CLS devotees (used to be one, myself) will be thrilled with this speaker. M-L has taken everything they’ve learned in the last 25 years and created an electrostatic tour de force.
Our pal Ron Cornelius from McIntosh was their with their new coolio 300 watt tube monoblocks and a big stack of other goodies from Mac. David Allen from ML was on hand for two days to demo the speakers and answer hungry fans questions. Magnolia even had special 36 month financing on hand!
If you love ‘stats, this could be the last speaker you’ll ever need.
Hey, it took em 25 years to come up with this one.
July 2, 2008
Spending the day with the new Bentley Continental Spur Speed was an awesome experience, and you can read all about it in our August issue.
But, I’ll tell you this much: The Naim Audio system is the best I’ve ever heard in a factory install. I’ve heard a few car stereos that revealed a bit more music, but they were 30-50 thousand dollar installs.
The only catch with Naim is that to get such a great deal on this system, you have to buy a new Bentley. Which isn’t such a bad thing.
With a 600 hp 12 cylinder, twin turbo W-12 motor, this car can coddle you in British luxury and go into warp drive the second you put the pedal to the floor.
The old 3-series just won’t be the same.
June 30, 2008
Well folks, after a few days off from finishing issue 16, we are back in action.
Here in Boston to test drive the new Bentley Continental Flying Spur. Not just any Bentley, I might add, but one outfitted with the new Naim HiFi System made specifically for Bentley.
I’ll keep you posted with more pictures and initial sound impressions tomorrow evening.
I’m placing an advance bet that this is a winner.
For a little more information click here:
June 21, 2008
This is why it’s so great to be Snoop Dogg.
I took my good friend Ken Ball from ALO Audio to check out the show in Portland last night and we had a blast. Snoop did about an hour and a half set and had the whole place up and bouncing.
At the end of the show when he said “how many of you bitches want to get down with Snoop Dogg” about fifty women jumped right up on stage. Awesome.
Read the whole report with more pics on our website in the new section (to be unveiled on Tues) called concert watch, which will be presented by Music Giants.
June 19, 2008
Last night, staff writer Jerold O’Brien and I took a stroll down to Esther Short Park, here in Vancouver to grab a couple of brats, drink some beer and check out the scene. Legendary guitarist Peter Frampton was the headline act and we were very curious to see if he was just another geezer cashing in on former fame or the real deal.
A great time was had by all, but Frampton looked like he was having the most fun. He played a tight set and proved that he’s still a legendary guitar powerhouse.
From now till the end of the year, he’s got a full calendar. If he’s in your town and you are curious, you won’t be disappointed.
June 15, 2008
This is just bitchin. Takes you back, doesn’t it?
June 14, 2008
Somehow, the stress at deadline is easily cured by a trip to my favorite used hifi shop, Echo Audio in Portland, Oregon
I dragged the Vinyl Anachronist out for some chow at the Thai Peacock, right down the street from Echo and after a hearty bowl of curry,, we wandered in to see what goodies lurked on Kurt’s shelves.
As usual, it was treasure time. This mint Nakamich 700 ZXL was staring me right in the face. You’ll be reading about this one in TONE one of these days. It’s a keeper.
Lew Johnson likes to say “You can never have too much Conrad-Johnson gear” and I couldn’t agree more. Echo just happened to have a mint specimen of their first amplifier, the MV-75. I’ve owned all of the EL-34 based C-J power amps at one time or another, so it was time to graduate to this one with 6550’s under the hood.
The MV-75 was C-J’s first amplifier back in 1979 and this one still sounds darn good!
June 12, 2008
Seems like everyone is getting out of physical media these days.
Another good friend stopped by with a few big boxes of CD’s that are now living on a music server. Being the friend of physical media that I am, his 500 CD’s found a happy home. Well, at least 400 of them. The rest are getting passed on to friends. Gotta spread the love around.
If you have a record or CD collection to get rid of, let us know!
June 10, 2008
Today the Spiral Groove SG-2 turntable arrived along with a black Triplanar arm.
It’s going to have to wait until the new issue is done to set up, but it is gorgeous there!
Having spent some time with the SG-1 when I went to the Immedia offices earlier this year, I know these guys are on to something really good with the SG-2. There’s also a nice new Skala from Lyra to listen to as well, so stay tuned for more analog bliss.
June 9, 2008
Sorry about the latin that was up here, not trying to be clever, just screwed up!!
With all the rain this week, it was a great time to go through the first shipment of albums that arrived last week and found some great treasures! Nothing like the smell of old albums to make your day.
Surprisingly enough almost everything was in great shape. Some of the covers were a little tattered, but the vinyl inside was good. Nothing a quick pass on my trusty Clearaudio record cleaning machine. Even found a few rarities, a pink Pink Floyd Animals album and an AA British pressing of Steely Dan’s AJA.
Too many more to list. But the sun is coming out soon.
June 7, 2008
If you are a fusion fan, Return to Forever was probably at the top of your playlist in the 70’s. I know it was for me. Al DiMeola, Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke and Lenny White not only redefined the genre, but after RTF disbanded, they all went on to successful solo careers.
In a move that you rarely see with older acts today, Return to Forever is back in action with all the original members. Nothing is worse than going to see one of your favorite bands from a while ago and it’s only half (or even a fifth) of the guys you remembered and a bunch of new, no-name guys in their place.
This is the real deal folks and these guys haven’t lost an ounce of virtuosity. Matter of fact, they are like that really expensive bottle of wine that you bought before it’s proper serve date and is now perfect.
Check out the official website at to get tour dates and see a few clips of the guys rehearsing, you will see what I mean. You rarely get to see four jazz greats at the top of their game on the same stage. This is as good as it gets!
June 6, 2008
Nothing like coming home to 24 cartons of records waiting to be unboxed!
Yep, I live for days like this. One of our writers decided to get out of LP’s for good and wanted to make sure they would have a good home.
The only bad news is that I’m on deadline and I pretty much have to stare at these for about 10 more days till the issue is done. But I did crack open a few boxes and there are some definite treasures lurking.
Got LP’s you want to get rid of, let me know!
June 2, 2008
And that’s how I found them, asleep in the office.
After a grueling week of finishing the new website, I found our chief designer asleep in her office with the company mascot.
But it’s done!
The new site has some new features that we hope you will find compelling. Now, along with every cover, there is a complete table of contents that you can open up for every issue. We’ve added more music and links for you to purchase said music.
And we have more goodies coming later this summer, so stay tuned and thanks for reading!
May 29, 2008
Audiophile PR person extraordinaire, Paul McGowan from PS Audio has a new project that will benefit all of us in the high end audio community and hopefully help the new arrivals to our world as well.
He has gone to great lengths to launch the Audiophile version of Wikipedia, called appropriately the “Audiophile Wiki”. This project just started, but should become a virtual repository for all things related to audio.
Already, yours truly is joining the likes of Michael Fremer, our pal Chris Connaker from Computer Audiophile and others to help explain what makes our hobby so exciting to those less informed.
You can find this fledgling project at:
Stay tuned, it should be fun!
May 24, 2008
If you read my feature on slack key guitarist Makana in the April issue and are curious about hearing more, now’s your chance. Wildly popular in his native Oahu, Makana has started his tour of the United States to spread his slack rock message to us malihinis (newcomers). We got to check out his live show last night at the WoW Hall in Eugene, Oregon, and I have to admit that everything I’ve heard about the energy at his live shows is true.
While the crowd was probably small compared to what Makana is used to back home, one audience member said it best when he shouted, “Promise to come back, and we’ll each bring five people to show them how great you are!” After the show, we got to meet Makana, and he’s as warm and genuine as his songs. He even dedicated one of his songs to Jeff’s daughter Monique, who was celebrating her 14th birthday.
Check out to see if he’ll be coming to your town soon. And tell him your brahs at TONEAudio sent you!
May 23, 2008
Just got the new Running Springs Dimitri off the UPS truck an hour ago!
From the guys who make the award winning Haley, Duke, Danielle and Jaco, this takes everything they’ve learned at RSA to the next level. Along with more goodies on the inside, the Dimitri has a cool carbon fiber face plate, which will look more at home on your rack.
As I own at least one each of all the other RSA boxes, I am anxious to see how much of an improvement the Dimitri will be. I’ll keep you posted and expect to see a review in TONE online in about a month.
The Dimitri is $4000 USD without power cord, $4500 with a RSA Mongoose power cord and $5800 with their new top of the line cord. (don’t know what they are calling it yet!)
You can get more information at:
May 22, 2008
Sorting through some past family pics, I came across this shot from 1983.
While things have come a long way since then, things were pretty good back in the early 80s. It’s a bit hard to tell from this small picture, but next to my trusty Conrad Johnson PV-2a, is my complete CD collection! Only 10 little shiny discs.
Who knew?
May 20, 2008
No internet service for a few days can really bring you to your knees!
I have no idea what the magician at Comcast did, but when he got over to my house the other day, he made a few measurements, muttered something under his breath and called someone.
A little more muttering on the phone and pow! Everything worked again.
Stay tuned, we’ll be back to our (almost) daily posts starting tomorrow.
May 14, 2008
It’s just speakerama here at TONEAudio.
The ML Spires are breaking in rather nicely, Wilson is sending us a pair of Sophia 2’s to review in the near future and I came home to a package from ACI, makers of the TONE Exceptional Value Award winning Sapphire XL.
Inside the box a pair of their newest small speaker, The Emerald XL. For 700 a pair, these look to be pretty exciting. Watch our website for a review in about 6 weeks!
May 13, 2008
Next on the list, while in the Salt Lake City area was a trip over to the guys at ZU Audio.
While their approach is a bit different than the folks at Wilson, their passion for music and commitment to quality is just as strong. Adam Decaria and Sean Casey were in the middle of expansion and remodling, but had enough time to give me a full tour, grab some lunch and give me a great demo of their flagship speakers, The Definition at Adam’s house. Playing through some 300B amplifiers from Melody, the sound was killer and Adam sent me home with a list of cool records that I need to pick up. Keep reading »
May 12, 2008
Sorry about the blog updates, was out of the office in the beautiful state of Utah for the last couple of days.
First stop, Wilson Audio.
By many considered to be the number one company in high end audio, a tour of the plant shows why this reputation is well deserved; these guys are very dedicated to excellence! With 50 full time employees and a facility clean enough to assemble formula 1 engines, the Wilson plant is a model of efficiency and technology. Keep reading »
May 11, 2008
Yep, this guy’s not thinking about VTA, or system synergy at all. Just chilling out in the neighbors lawn. He does this EVERY day.
I do believe there is a lesson to be learned here. Keep reading »