
Elvis Spotted in Portland Oregon

Elvis Spotted in Portland Oregon

I whipped out my iPhone camera, shot a picture and when I turned around, he was gone.

You tell me.

Discover Mutlu

Discover Mutlu

After waiting for the doors to open at the Aladdin Theater for 5 hours, (yep, I was FIRST in line) I got the pleasure of seeing Mutlu, the opening act for Joe Jackson.  Think a big dose of originality along with a few parts Hall and Oates (Abandoned Luncheonette period), and perhaps a bit of early James Taylor as well.

But make no mistake Mutlu has his own sound.

A great singer-songwriter in the Philly tradition, he played a short acoustic set and announced that his new CD would be out in June.

I invite you to peruse his website at:

This guy is awesome!


New Elbow Album

New Elbow Album

I bought the new Elbow album, The Seldom Seen Kid, a couple of days ago, but I didn’t get a review done in time for Issue 15.  Needless to say, I’m really hooked on this album.  Elbow is one of those bands that releases an album every 3 or 4 years, enough time to almost forget they exist.  And then when a new album does arrive, you get excited about them all over again. Keep reading »

Doing Windows in a Mac World

Doing Windows in a Mac World

The short solutions to this situation are:

  1. Forget it
  2. Run Parallels on your Mac
  3. Get a separate Windows only machine

    I’m not a Windows hater, so #1 isn’t a good option, but I have to tell you that #2 Suuuuuuks.

    After throwing a day of my life away trying to get Parallels to work on my shiny new Power Book Pro with 4gb of RAM, I gave up.  Turns out those in the know said that the only way it will work is with Windows XP.  Hmmm.  Vista users, forget it.  Save yourself the stroke and just get a dedicated Windows box.

    I suggest a Mac Mini!  That’s what I’m using and it’s awesome!

    The Spires Are Here, Woo Hoo!

    The Spires Are Here, Woo Hoo!

    The friendly neighborhood freight guy had a surprise for me a day early;

    “I’ve got two big cartons for you that aren’t very heavy…”
    “Are they from Martin Logan?”
    “Yup” Keep reading »

    More Analog Insanity

    More Analog Insanity

    No I haven’t become fed up with losing cartridge screws!

    I’m a bit of a packrat and feel that everything will have a use SOMEDAY.  Sure enough, just when I was going to throw out that cheapie cartridge that came with my Audio Technica PL-120D, I figured there would come a time to put it to use. Keep reading »