Audio Research REF Phono 2

Audio Research REF Phono 2

In the past two years since the Sooloos music server has entered my life, I must admit that the music-lover side of my personality has been dominating my audiophile side. Read More >

Audio Research REF 250 Monoblocks

Audio Research REF 250 Monoblocks Perfect Balance

Power output meters are just cool. Back in the late 80s when the legendary Audio Research D-79 amplifier stood as my system’s cornerstone, watching the meters bounce into the red “caution” area—as the SPL got somewhat out of hand—made me feel like a mad scientist in a Mothra movie, waiting for sparks to fly. Read More >

Audio Research REF 150 Power Amplifier

Audio Research REF 150 Power Amplifier Single Box Perfection

Audiophiles have a habit of prematurely discarding things. Read More >