2014 Product of the Year – Digital

After years of screwing around with iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, etc., we’re still left with the agony of choosing convenience over quality. Now, with Tidal, we get a major song catalog that’s constantly evolving, as well as an incredible catalog of music videos delivered at 16/44.1 resolution. For 99% of us, this is incredibly cool, and while no one at Tidal is ’fessing up, I’ll bet that they will be offering high resolution downloads at some point in the future.
For all but the most dedicated music collectors, this is the way to finally free yourself from physical media. There will always be those who want to thumb through album covers romantically, and you can still do that. But now the music lovers who would like access to a ton of music with audiophile quality can have their cake and eat it too.
This is the best twenty dollars a month you will ever spend. And Tidal is only in its infancy.
Tidal Music Streaming