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Unboxing Dali Epicon 8 Speakers!

It’s always a pleasant surprise to see a new set of speakers arrive at our door! I asked managing editor Rob Johnson to come over and help me get these beauties from Dali out of their boxes and into the listening room. Here are a few photos my wife Pam took of life behind the scenes of a product review…

Yes, these are some substantial  speakers, weighing in at 105 pounds (47.5 Kg) each. Here we are, attempting to look muscular. Clearly, it’s time to hit the gym again! Speaker ports can serve as much-appreciated handles.

Getting ready to unveil our guests from Denmark…

First glimpse of the gorgeous wood finish…

Here’s Rob, considering a trip back to Denmark in the Dali box. Hmm…I guess that explains what happens when TONE staff go missing.

Here’s the pair of speakers, free of their crates, and ready to have their bases bolted on. We’re excited to get to work on this review!