In Progress: Review of the Pass Xs300 Monos…
After about three years, I’ve worked my way to the top of the Pass Labs food chain.
While the Xs 300 monoblocks are not for the faint of heart, or bicep for that matter, weighing in at about 300 pounds per side and costing about $40k per side, from the minute we unboxed them, it was apparent that these amplifiers were indeed one step beyond. Having spent a year with the incredible XA200.5 that I just recently reviewed in issue #53, it seemed hard to believe that Pass could create two boxes that could reveal even more music.
It took four boxes.
Expanding the concept of Pass’ patented Supersymmetry amplifiers and the single ended, Class A design of the original Aleph, they have created a true masterpiece with the Xs300s. As each channel draws 1000 watts of current per channel, all the time, I left them off on Earth Day, but they are back at full song today. I walk to work, so my carbon footprint is still intact.
And what a better way to use electricity that these?
As we were taking the photos for the upcoming review, we hooked the first stack to the GamuT S9 speakers, and staff member Jerold O’Brien said, “Dude, your system sounds better in mono with one of these than it did with the pair of XA200.5s” And the XA200.5s are no slouch.
Stay tuned for further adventures and our full review of the Xs300s.
Nelson Pass has created yet another masterpiece.
You can read more about the Xs300 here at the Pass Website.