Wrap that rascal!!
May 14, 2009
If you ever doubted the value of buying a $35 case for your iPhone or iPod touch, here’s the proof. All it takes is a nudge from an unsuspecting terrier’s nose and your iPhone is crashing to the tile floor. This 30″ drop yielded a $200 repair.
Don’t think you’ll be headed to the Apple Store for a replacement either. You only get ONE $199 iPhone 3G if you are an existing iPhone customer. Perhaps the advertising is a bit misleading? I wish the freindly guy at the Apple Store would have told me something like “guard this baby with your life, because the next one will set you back $600…” And like other cell phones at the AT&T store, you can’t buy an insurance plan for your iPhone.
The good news: you can have it repaired from Apple for (you guessed it) $200, or if you are very technically inclined can get a kit to repair it yourself for $65. Usually up for a challenge, I backed down on this one, as my iPhone 3G is only a few months old.
Lesson learned, be careful with your iPhone 3G.