Farewell, Gérard Chrétien
October 3, 2017
I just heard the sad news that Focal’s Gérard Chrétien passed away on Sunday, October 1.
I had the pleasure of meeting him the first time about five years ago when I toured the Focal factory, with my friend John Bevier. Gérard was a wonderful host, giving me quite the tour, making sure I knew everything there was to know about Focal, making sure I fully understood the unique blend of technology, craftsmanship and passion that makes them tick. After business hours, he was. even more gracious, taking us around the city and availing us to some great meals while we were there.
Every time I saw him at a hifi show, no matter how busy, he always took the time to come over my way and give me a big hug. Even though I am a relative newcomer to this industry, he always inquired to how I was doing. With that big smile of his, without fail he would say, “How is that beautiful wife of yours?”
Always a kind man, always a professional, and always a perfect gentleman. That’s how I’ll remember Gérard Chrétien.