Pass Labs’ XA60.8 Monoblocks

Of course, the big news is that now you can get Pass components in black. This is a good thing considering how many people have passed on conrad-johnson gear over the years because the champagne color does not match anything else in their system.
The more significant news is how great these amplifiers sound. though these are Pass Labs’ smallest monoblock amplifiers, they still weigh about 90 pounds per chassis. If you aren’t familiar, each Pass amplifier always has its own unique sonic character, and the XA60.8s is no different – with the pair having much of the lush, texture-laden presentation of the XA25, combined with the LF grip and control, offered by the larger Class-A monoblocks.
Incidentally, this is what the “A” designation means. The XA60 monos are claimed to deliver 60 watts per channel into an 8-ohm load in full class-A
conditions. Other magazines that produce measurements confirm this to be true, revealing these amplifiers can produce over double this amount of power before distortion sets in.
The catch? They gently switch their bias current to class-AB operation. The big, blue circular meter on the front panel stays in the middle of its range while the amplifier stays in class-A mode, bouncing to the right as it exits into class-AB.
When driving MartinLogan ESP 9s, the Team Fink Borg (episode 2), and the Clarisys Audio Auditorium Plus speakers, the meters never left the center position. Only when driving the new power-hungry Magnepan 2.7X speakers were we able to push the XA60.8s into class-AB mode.
In short, the definition throughout the frequency range is incredible, with an equally sublime rendition of higher frequencies to match. Pass Labs’ class-A amplifiers all have a mid-band rendition that nearly fools you into thinking you’re listening to tubes, and these amplifiers even a bit more. The level of detail, layering, and ability to create a three-dimensional sound field is incredible – the lessons learned in creating the flagship XS Monos certainly are at work here.
Having used nearly all of the big Pass amplifiers over the last decade, there’s a sweetness here that doesn’t even exist in the mighty (nearly 100k/pair) XS Monos. As mentioned earlier – each Pass amplifier has its own sonic signature.
These are absolutely lovely and, at this price, a tremendous value as well. If you’d like to read an in-depth review, these amplifiers are featured in our current issue.
$14,250/pair (silver)
$15,250/pair (black)